Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Rule of Thumb #29

If you're already worried about your weight, then it's probably not a good idea to celebrate the "holidays". Any holidays!

I think it is pretty self-explanatory, don't you?

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Rule of Thumb #28:

There should be a class where every man (heterosexual anyway) can learn to undo the clasp on a basic bra with one hand.

I'll teach it, if necessary! Wait! No, that would mean having to deal with a bunch of uncoordinated guys. No thanks!

Thursday, September 28, 2006


Rule of Thumb #27:

If you eat a lot of spicy food, don't be surprised if you have a night of insane dreaming.

For instance, if you decide to have a few beers, eat some spicy crawfish sushi, then have a pizza topped with spicy Italian sausage, don't wonder why you ended up in Wonka-land while you're sleeping.

Monday, September 18, 2006


Rule of Thumb #26:

Never bet on anything that you have deep feelings for.

This is exactly why I refuse to bet on Western Kentucky and Notre Dame sports. I also refuse to bet on the Braves and the Raiders. Everything else is free game!

Thursday, August 31, 2006


Rule of Thumb #25:

The truth is always stranger than fiction.

Really, some of the craziest stories I've ever told or heard have been actual events and not from my imagination. It's unreal.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Rule of Thumb #24:

Never trust a dog to guard your food.

I guess it's a damn good thing I don't own a dog!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Rule of Thumb #23:

Even when you are having a bad day, try to smile. You never know who's day you may brighten up.

Well, that, or you could be like me and wear bright colored shirts all the time. It helps on days like today when it's rainy and ugly outside.

Monday, August 28, 2006


Rule of Thumb #22:

Any expensive thing you buy (Car, computer, house, etc) becomes obsolete the moment you purchase it.

As soon as you open the box, it is guaranteed that there is a newer, better version of it available.

Friday, August 25, 2006


Rule of Thumb #21:

Give your brain a little pat on the back every now and then, just to say "Thank You".

It's amazing how much this blob of gray matter actually does without us telling it to do it. If only other people were the same way. I guess you could say that we're lucky it knows how to control the rest of our body, because, obviously we don't know how to. Isn't that right, {insert the name of your favorite Celebrity Sex Scandal member here}?

Thursday, August 24, 2006


Rule of Thumb #20:

Nothing wipes away the tears like a "big check".

It's the sad state of our culture that makes this so true. I actually heard this one last night while talking about my wife collecting my life insurance check. Yes, at the time it was funny, but when you really think about it, it's just sad. Sad, yes, but so, so true!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Rule of Thumb #19:

You only have to do two things in life: pay taxes and die.

I just have to ask... Why? I'm not so sure about living forver (I've seen Highlander enough times now), but not paying taxes and getting all of the money I earned sure sounds good to me!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Rule of Thumb #18:

Don't worry... There is a person with a worse job than you.

This theory was actually proven yesterday when I found out that the IRS actually has a receptionist. Believe me, Terrorists don't hate America as much as American's hate the IRS. Think about this too... How would it feel to have a job where every single person that walks in the door is mad at you, and you don't even know why?

Monday, August 21, 2006


Rule of Thumb #17:

Swing Hard in case you hit it.

This one comes from one of my best friends. I think it's his favorite saying, so I thought I'd throw it out there. Personally, it's very true, in a lot of ways. Here are a couple of examples: You never know if the hottest guy/girl (depending on your preference) at school/work/band camp won't go out with you, until you ask. Or... You can't get the job of your dreams if you don't apply for it. Right?

Friday, August 18, 2006


Rule of Thumb #16:

A king size bed should easily accomodate one 6'2" and one 5'6" female, on any given night.

I'm just throwing this one out there, because it's not always true. Sometimes I'm left wondering if I'm the only person in the world who owns a twin sized bed that looks exactly like a King sized bed, until I get in it?

Thursday, August 17, 2006


Rule of Thumb #15:

When it's all "Doom and Gloom" around you... watch out for something small to make you smile.

The causes for happiness aren't always in the biggest packages.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Rule of Thumb #14:

In your lifetime, try to see both a sunrise and a sunset over an ocean (or large body of water).

You'll really appreciate the beauty this world has to offer. However, getting up for the sunrise will also make you realize you woke up WAAAY too early. Oh yeah, try to be sober for the sunset too, because it'll help to remember it later!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Rule of Thumb #13:

Don't go out and get insanely drunk and stay out until 4 am the day before you have a very important event (meeting with bosses, wedding, high-stakes craps game, etc).

Again, I don't think I really need to explain this one. If you have any questions, put them in the comments section and I'll get around to them.

Monday, August 14, 2006


Rule of Thumb #12:

If you start having dreams about work, then it's definitely time to reconsider your career choices.

Do I really need to explain this one?

Friday, August 11, 2006


Rule of Thumb #11:

If you're not given all of the pieces to a puzzle, then it'll be impossible to put it together the way it is supposed to be.

Otherwise, you should be able to put it all together and see what you think is a pretty tiger smiling back at you, when it's actually thinking "Wow, you'd be a great meal! You're Grrrrrrreat!" That is of course, unless you're a complete moron, then I'm sorry. However, this actually relates to all kinds of things (cars, electronic equipment, "projects"). This one directly relates back to some difficulties I had at work last month. See HERE and HERE for details.

Thursday, August 10, 2006


Rule of Thumb #10:

Embrace the differences in each of us.

Now, I'm not going to go into a anti-racism/sexism/poligamy rant (we'll save those for another time), however, following this rule will help you lead a much more interesting life. I can understand if you live in a city that has no ethnical diversity, so be sure to travel. A LOT!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Rule of Thumb #9:

Never live some place that only has white walls.

Really, it's not all that expensive to paint a wall here and there. Secondly, being surrounded by white walls, after a while, will make you feel like you're in the looney bin, and that's no way to start or end your day.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Rule of Thumb #8:

Learn something new every day.

First of all, you'll be smarter for it! Also, no one wants to be known as a "know-it-all"!

Monday, August 07, 2006


Rule of Thumb #7:

Never argue with a woman about how many shoes and/or purses she owns.

First off, it'll just make her think she doesn't have enough. Secondly, she'll make it a point that you end up paying for the rest of the ones she wants, in one way or another.

Friday, August 04, 2006


Rule of Thumb #6:

If you can't dazzle them with brilliance... Baffle them with Bullshit!

I know this one has been told throughout the ages, but it just happens to be one of the few quirps that my stepfather told me that I've hung onto all these years. It works though! Most people are afraid to call "Bullshit" to your face, and you get out of some tight spots just by acting like you know what you're talking about.

Thursday, August 03, 2006


Rule of Thumb #5:

Don't get angry while playing video games.

First of all, it's stupid! (My wife has told me this a thousand times) You just look like more of a moron if you're yelling at the TV and throwing a temper tantrum because you can't get past level two of a thirty level game. Secondly, it gets expensive! Really, do replacement controllers have to cost $35? It's amazing how many pieces those things shatter into when they're thrown against a concrete wall!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Rule of Thumb #4:

It's not cute, nor impressive, to place statues of living animals (i.e. deer, horses, cattle) in your front yard as lawn ornaments, especially if you live in a rural area and/or your yard fronts a busy highway or thoroughfare.

First of all, these animals don't add to the "beauty" of a lawn. Really! I'm not talking about having a cute little bunny, squirrel, or turtle up near your garden either. Secondly, and this is my real problem with this idiocy... When I'm driving at night on a country highway or backroad, I have enough things to watch out for. The last thing I need to worry about is having my headlights catch the shape of a deer off on the side of the road, making me think there may be more of them around and ready to jump out in front of my car. We all know deer are suicidal, and there's nothing we can do about it! As that crazy workout woman used to say "Stop the insanity!"

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Rule of Thumb #3: (I'm making it a two-for day, since I missed Monday)

If a movie has a specific event in it's title, yet the event barely takes place in the movie, then the movies officially sucks.

Let's say a movie is titled "Billy Bob's Company Christmas Party"... Any normal person would see this title and think "Hmm... I bet this is about a crazy Christmas party where there are some interesting shenanigans and possibly some "hook ups". However, when you watch the movie, it's actually about Billy Bob's second niece, twice removed, and her lesbian tendency towards a mechanic that only works on Fiats, while a second storyline is going about Billy Bob's sister's kids high school trip to Paris, France, and how much they really dislike French Bread and the French people's lack of personal hygiene. Finally, after watching the two story lines go on and on for about two hours you finally get to see the "Christmas Party" for about three minutes, and nothing happens there. Would you be pissed?


Rule of Thumb #2:

It is always better to beg for forgiveness than to ask for permission.

This one is pretty much true across the board, whether it be your purchase of a 50 inch plasma TV without your wife's knowledge or your changing the look of a report that your boss has been using for ten years. Don't ask "Hey, can I do this?" because the answer will be "No". However, if you go ahead and do it, and they get a chance to see the product, then it's a lot easier to just say "I'm sorry!". It doesn't hurt that it's less words too!

Friday, July 28, 2006


Rule of Thumb #1:

Unless you were born in Bombay, have extensive knowledge of the backstreets of Calcutta, know where Muzaffarnagar is, or have the last name of Patel, then you probably should not try eating Indian food on three consecutive days. It's just not in your best interest. Believe me!