Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Rule of Thumb #3: (I'm making it a two-for day, since I missed Monday)

If a movie has a specific event in it's title, yet the event barely takes place in the movie, then the movies officially sucks.

Let's say a movie is titled "Billy Bob's Company Christmas Party"... Any normal person would see this title and think "Hmm... I bet this is about a crazy Christmas party where there are some interesting shenanigans and possibly some "hook ups". However, when you watch the movie, it's actually about Billy Bob's second niece, twice removed, and her lesbian tendency towards a mechanic that only works on Fiats, while a second storyline is going about Billy Bob's sister's kids high school trip to Paris, France, and how much they really dislike French Bread and the French people's lack of personal hygiene. Finally, after watching the two story lines go on and on for about two hours you finally get to see the "Christmas Party" for about three minutes, and nothing happens there. Would you be pissed?

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